Monday, March 20, 2017

Jonah's Life in the NICU

Jonah spent a total of 40 days in the hospital before he came home. His first two weeks were in the NICU at St. Joseph Mercy.  After I was discharged as a patient there, I was still able to stay in the hospital in what they refer to as "nesting rooms". It was such a blessing to be right down the hall from him, instead of 51 miles away. 
The NICU at St. Joe's are full of wonderful doctors and nurses, and we received the best care, but we wanted to transfer him back to our hospital as soon as he could. I had five other kiddos that needed the stability of having mommy home. I missed them too.
Jonah really was making great strides at St. Joe's, and we are so thankful he had his first start there.

Someone sure loves his daddy!

Such a deep stare. My precious boy!

He was SO tiny. His whole head could fit in my hand.

Peek-a-boo mama!

My Son Jonah

Six months have passed since my sweet Jonah has come into the world, and many more since I have blogged. I do want to finally share about our latest addition. 
Ezra's birth was very difficult and traumatic, which you can read about here and here. When we found out we were expecting Jonah, the doctors monitored me very closely. I had bi-weekly appointments from the very beginning, and starting in August, I was 28 weeks along and placed on complete bed rest, as my blood pressure steadily began to rise. Josh was amazing as always, and took wonderful care of me and the house and kids. We had a lot of help with meals from friends which was a huge blessing. I eventually had to be hospitalized, and once that happened, Josh and I, in agreement with my obstetrician, decided I should be transferred to St. Joseph Mercy where Ezra spent his first few weeks of life. Eventually it was decided that my body could no longer safely keep baby inside, so Jonah Albert was delivered at 32 weeks. He was a week older than Ezra, but weighing 3lbs 6.5oz, he was a little tinier. He needed to be on oxygen longer as well, but overall was a very healthy baby. I never got deathly ill this time, and they took his c-section nice and slow, being sure I was unable to feel anything. It was a good birth, and I am thankful for the wisdom of my doctors on the whole pregnancy and delivery. 

This was my view for many weeks. 

My sweet boy, getting the best care for his early start.

First time holding the wee one, a few days after birth.

His hands were so small!