Saturday, July 21, 2018

Those Pearly Whites

Addie is the third born child in our home.  Even though she is third, she is the first to have curly hair. First to play the violin. Now she is first in another thing. We had hoped by the time adult teeth showed up, the problem would self correct, but it hasn't. 
What is she the first at this time, you ask?
I know many of you are intimately aware of all the ins and outs of these wonderful contraptions, but this is all new to us. After getting three different opinions, it has been decided that she needs 5 teeth pulled, and braces. This is not something we went into lightly. Braces are EXPENSIVE, especially when our heath insurance does not cover any dental. 
God has been so good to us though. He knew she needed this long before we did. He has been her comfort, as she is nervous about having five teeth pulled. He didn't give her any wisdom teeth, so she won't need to have them pulled later! He laid it upon a family to generously give us almost half of the cost of the braces. We are blown away by their generosity, and God's goodness.
Would you pray with us as we trust the Lord to provide the $3,100 left that we need?

My brave girl.

She lost two baby teeth since this x-ray was taken.

Getting more comfortable with these visits. 

A little glimpse of part of the problem.

This is just a picture of her at her awards ceremony at the end of the year. She is such a smarty pants, and we are very proud of her.

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