Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Another Day In Paradise

It's not all sunshine and lollipops here, but the mention of paradise was not meant sarcastically.
First, I wanted to share with you how the morning went.
Our awesome carpool people did both the morning drop off and pick up, as I had to be into the lab for a three hour glucose blood draw. If you didn't know, it is a very exciting test that includes drinking a ridiculously huge amount of a thick, sugary drink after fasting all night, and then having your blood drawn four times in three hours. It is not my favorite test, but you do what ya have to for your little ones.
So, Josh and I had it all worked out that he would be home this morning with Josie and Isaac so I could get this appointment done. It WAS a good plan...then an hour into my appointment I get a text from Josh. Her bandage had fallen off, and she needed to get to the burn clinic asap.
Now mind you, this really isn't that big of a crisis, but for someone who has not slept well in days, hasn't eaten, and has had a huge dose of sugary yuck, I wasn't really thinking straight and went into panic mode.
Josh could not take Isaac, because I took the van (because my back won't allow me to crawl into the car yet) and the van had the car seat. Plus, he really couldn't be watching an almost two year old, and carrying for Josie the way she needed.
I could not find ANYONE within a close distance to watch him. Everyone was too busy, or didn't answer the phone! So, I drove back to the house, packed up Isaac and his scrambled eggs he was eating, with the diaper bag, and stroller and rushed back to make it to my next blood draw time. My back was not shorting out (miracle!) and Isaac was finishing his food (another miracle!) and I made it in time for my blood draw( yet another miracle!)
My friend Casie came to my rescue, met me in the waiting room and took Isaac with her. I was so thankful, as I was clueless how I was going to entertain my almost two year old, for two hours in a waiting room with my limited mobility. She really saved my bacon!
Truly my little "crisis" wasn't anything though. I learned that while I was panicking about how I was going to deal with the mundane, my poor Josie girl was going through yet another excruciating morning. 
I guess since the bandage was falling off, they had to re-scrape her burn before bandaging it back up again. Josh said it was so bad that the nurse that was helping with the procedure last time, just couldn't do it this time. It was too hard for her. My Jo was going through another difficult wound treatment, while I was feeling sorry for myself for a little inconvenience. I felt like a fool.
So that was what our morning looked like. Not one I would want to repeat.
The rest of the day though, was a gift. Our little bit of paradise in a rough storm. I had exceptionally good results at the chiropractor, and shouldn't have to go back for another week now!
Josie's pain meds continued to do their job, and just knowing she wasn't in constant pain is a good thing.
The outpouring of love from everyone on the planet! Seriously, amazing! We had so many visitors, who were encouragement to our weary souls. Packages and cards in the mail. Meals, and more meals being brought, and scheduled. Sweet treats for my baby girl (everyone must know she has a big sweet tooth!). Even special visitors who knew today would be especially hard missing AWANA, setting up a perfect movie night that helped her forget what she was missing.
We have felt so loved from the Lord through these wonderful people in our lives. All the prayers, and hugs, and emails of encouragement mean the world to us. Thank you.

Josie's main mode of transportation is her daddy's arms. She is not able to really put weight on her leg, and he helps her up when she needs the restroom, and to the many doctor appointments.

I just took this photo. Josie got this special blanket from someone very dear to her. She said it felt like a warm hug. Haven't seen a smile that big in some time.

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